Company Incorporation Services

Incorporation of companies under the companies act no 07 of 2007 according to the client’s business or non-business objectives.


Different company structures.

  • Private limited company
  • Public limited company
  • Guaranteed company
  • Off-shore company
  • Foreign branch office

General scope of work covered under company incorporation

  • Advice the client select suitable company structure
  • Advice and apply for name approval
  • Drafting article of association
  • Preparation of necessary forms for company registration
  • Submission of documents to the Registrar General of companies.
  • Liaison with Registrar General of Companies for completion of the registration.
  • Arrangement of Share Certificates / Seals ect
  • Register the company at Inland Revenue Department as a tax payer.

Company secretarial services

As per the company’s act every company shall have a secretary from the date of incorporation and discharge the duties of the secretary as prescribed in the statute.

We, MKN Corporate Services (Private) Limited, ready to undertake the responsibilities of our clients as the Secretary and offer following two packages for our services.

Complete scope package

  • Retained as the registered secretary of the company
  • Preparation of board resolutions
  • Maintain company’s minute book / share ledger ect
  • Consultations / Clarifications regarding the company law
  • Attend board meetings
  • Arrangement of AGM / EGM
  • Make necessary arrangements for share issues, transfers, dividend distributions
  • Liaison with the registrar of companies for,
    • Submission of annual return.
    • Changes in board and secretaries
    • Changes in article, address ect
    • Registration of particulars related to charges
  • Any other related work

Limited scope package

  • Not to be retained as the registered secretary of the company
  • Preparation of board resolutions
  • Liaison with the registrar of companies for,
    • Submission of annual return.

Logo / Trade Mark registration services.

We undertake registration of your Logo / Trademark under national intellectual property act liaising with national intellectual property office.

A logo or trade / service mark helps you to distinguish your product or services easily from the competitor by way of a visible sign. Once the logo is registered the owner will get exclusive right to use, assign and license the mark. This is a protection for the owner to enforce civil or criminal court procedure and even entitled to claim damages for violating his rights.

We, as your company representative for trademark registration, will attend following activities on behalf of you.

  • Assist for selection of suitable code related to the business activity,
  • Liaise with NIPO* for trademark searching.
  • Submit applications for trademark registration.
  • Regular following up with NIPO for logo allocation.
  • Once trademark allocated, ensure payment arrangement for publications.
  • Further follow-up with NIPO to ensure timely publication and logo registration under the clients name.

* NIPO – National Intellectual Property Office

Other services

We do support the client for any other business need within the scope of the secretary and as business consultants including,

  • Company liquidation
  • Accounting / book keeping / Outsourcing services
  • Tax planning and business consultation